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TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

The Cascading Perils of Independent Contractor Misclassification

In the latter half of 2015 both the IRS and the Department of Labor (DOL) issued guidance emphasizing the importance of proper worker classification for businesses. As we return from the holiday break and dive into 2016 it is a good time to review the potential risks of worker misclassification and discuss effective risk mitigation strategies.

TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

Stepping Outside the Corporation

In today’s article we’ll examine a common phenomenon in enterprise programs: the individual worker who “steps outside” their own corporation (or the one he/she works for) and instead performs work as a common law employee for another company.

TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

Millennials at Work

We’ve now entered a new era of talent scarcity, a time when buyers of talent must focus on attracting and retaining the vital talent they need to execute their strategic plans and get work done. It is predicted that the number of Millennials in the workplace will outnumber the Boomers sometime this year.

TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

Defining an Independent Business Providing Services to Your Company

As independent contractor compliance and engagement specialists, we are frequently asked by enterprise clients to help them manage the risks surrounding professional services vendors who perform work on a SOW basis for the benefit of the client company. Part of the solution is to educate our clients on the definition of an independent business.

TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

Audited Consultant Risk: Who Is the Employer?

It has been said that the American dream used to be owning your own home. Today, there are many who say the new American dream is owning your own business. With the incredible growth of the independent workforce and client companies increasingly seeking out subject matter experts to perform project work, many of these new […]

TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

Just Calling Someone an Independent Contractor Doesn’t Necessarily Make It So

In today’s competitive talent market many organizations engage workers as independent contractors. Strategic companies have a consistent process for classifying workers correctly. Unfortunately many companies make ad hoc decisions, or even worse, have no oversight at all which allows managers to misclassify workers and exposes the company to significant risk. Some companies do this knowingly […]

TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

The Many Facets of Worker Misclassification

Many companies that utilize independent workers believe worker misclassification is just an employer tax issue. The truth is there are many federal and state agencies who are very interested in proper worker classification in order to provide workers with the benefits and protections to which they would be entitled to as employees. A few examples […]

TalentWave is now People2.0! New company, same great thought leadership.

What is an Independent Contractor?

Many organizations are legitimately confused about how to properly classify individuals as independent contractors versus employees, and as a result expose their company to significant risk.

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